deployfish.yml Reference

The deployfish service config file is a YAML file defining ECS services, task definitions and one-off tasks associated with those services.

  • The default path for a deployfish configuration file is ./deployfish.yml.

  • If the environment variable DEPLOYFISH_CONFIG_FILE is defined, deployfish will use that instead.

  • If you pass a filename to deploy with the -f or --filename command line flag, that will be used even if DEPLOYFISH_CONFIG_FILE is defined.

Options specified in the Dockerfile for your containers (e.g., ENTRYPOINT, CMD, ENV) are respected by default - you don’t need to specify them again in deployfish.yml.

You can use terraform outputs in configuration values with a ${terraform.<key>} syntax - see the Interpolation section for full details.

You can also use the values of environment variables in configuration values with a ${env.<key>} syntax - see the Interpolation section for full details.

AWS Credentials

deployfish uses boto3 to do all its work in AWS and by default defers to boto3 credential resolution to figure out what AWS credentials it should use. See Configuring Credentials in boto3’s documentation for details.

Alternately, you can tell deployfish specifically how to get your AWS credentials by defining an aws: section in deployfish.yml.

Static credentials

Static credentials can be provided by adding an access_key and secret_key in-line in an aws: section in deployfish.yml.


  access_key: anaccesskey
  secret_key: asecretkey
  region: us-west-2

If you specify static credentials in this way, they will be used instead of any credentials found in your environment. region here is optional.

Using a profile from your AWS credentials file

You can use an AWS credentials file to specify your credentials and then set up your aws: section to use credentials from a particular profile. The default location is $HOME/.aws/credentials on Linux and OS X. You can specify a different location for this file via the AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE environment variable.


  profile: customprofile
  region: us-west-2

region here is optional.

ECS Service Definition

This section contains a list of all configuration options supported by a ECS Service definition in version 1.

Services are specified in a YAML list under the top level services: key like so:

  - name: foobar-prod
  - name: foobar-test

Unless otherwise specified, see Service Definition Parameters for help on thee options.


(String, Required) The name of the actual ECS service. name is required. The restrictions on characters in ECS services are in play here: Up to 255 letters (uppercase and lowercase), numbers, hyphens, and underscores are allowed.

Once your service has been created, this is not changable without deleting and re-creating the service.

  - name: foobar-prod


(String, Required) The name of the actual ECS cluster in which we’ll create our service. cluster is required. This has to exist in AWS before running deploy service create <service-name>.

  - name: foobar-prod
    cluster: foobar-cluster


(String, Optional) This is a keyword that can be used in terraform lookups (see “Interpolation”, below). It can also be used as an alias for the service name in the deploy command.

  - name: foobar-prod
    environment: prod


(String, Optional) When we create the ECS service, configure the service to run in REPLICA or DAEMON. Default to REPLICA.

  - name: foobar-prod
    clsuter: foodbar-cluster
    scheduling_strategy: DAEMON



(Integer, Required for REPLICA scheduling strategy) When we create the ECS service, configure the service to run this many tasks.

  - name: foobar-prod
    cluster: foobar-cluster
    count: 2

count is only meaningful at service creation time. To change the count in an already created service, use deploy service scale <service_name> <count>


(Integer, Optional) During a deployment, this is the upper limit on the number of tasks that are allowed in the RUNNING or PENDING state, as a percentage of the count. This must be configured along with minimum_healthy_percent. If not provided will default to 200. If schdeuling strategy is set to DAMEON, it will be fixd at 100

  - name: foobar-prod
    maximum_percent: 200


(Integer, Optional) During a deployment,this is the lower limit on the number of tasks that must remain in the RUNNING state, as a percentage of the count. This must be configured along with maximum_percent. If not provided will default to 0.

  - name: foobar-prod
    minimum_healthy_percent: 50


(Optional) An array of placement constraint objects to use for tasks in your service. You can specify a maximum of 10 constraints per task (this limit includes constraints in the task definition and those specified at run time).

    - name: foobar-prod
        - type: distinctInstance
        - type: memberOf
          expression: 'attribute:ecs.instance-type =~ t2.*'


(Optional) The placement strategy objects to use for tasks in your service. You can specify a maximum of four strategy rules per service.

    - name: foobar-prod
        - type: random
        - type: spread
          field: 'attribute:ecs.availability-zone'

See Service Definition Parameters.


The launch type on which to run your service. Accepted values are FARGATE or EC2. If a launch type is not specified, EC2 is used by default.

If you use the Fargate launch type, these task parameters are not valid:

  • dockerSecurityOptions

  • links

  • linuxParameters

  • placementConstraints

  • privileged


  - name: foobar-prod
    launch_type: FARGATE

See Amazon ECS Launch Types.


If “true”, enable ECS Exec for the tasks on this service. If enable_exec is not specified, default to “false”.

Important: In addition to setting this to “true”, in order for ECS Exec to work, you’ll need to configure your cluster, task role and the system on which you run deployfish as described here: Using Amazon ECS Exec for debugging.


If you are configuring a FARGATE task or you have tasks with the awsvpc network mode, you must specify your vpc configuration at the task level.

deployfish won’t create the VPC, subnets or security groups for you – you’ll need to create it before you can use deploy service create <service_name>

You’ll need to specify

  • subnets: (list of strings) The subnets in the VPC that the task scheduler should consider for placement. Only private subnets are supported at this time. The VPC will be determined by the subnets you specify, so if you specify multiple subnets they must be in the same VPC.

  • security_groups: (list of strings) The ID of the security group to associate with the service.

  • public_ip: (string) Whether to enabled or disable public IPs. Valid values are ENABLED or DISABLED


  - name: foobar-prod
    cluster: foobar-cluster
    count: 2
        - subnet-12345678
        - subnet-87654321
        - sg-12345678
      public_ip: DISABLED



If you have a dedicated EC2 AutoScaling Group for your service, you can declare it with the autoscalinggroup_name option. This will allow you to scale the ASG up and down when you scale the service up and down with deploy service scale <service-name> <count>.

deployfish won’t create the autoscaling group for you – you’ll need to create it before you can use deploy service scale <service_name> <count> to manipulate it.

  - name: foobar-prod
    cluster: foobar-cluster
    count: 2
    autoscalinggroup_name: foobar-asg

Alternatively, you can specify an AutoScaling Group Capacity Provider for this service, and the scaling will be taken care of automatically.



You can define volumes that can be mounted inside your task’s containers via the volumes section of your deployfish service definition. You only really need to do use this if you want to use a docker volume driver that is not the built in local one – the one that allows you to mount host machinefolders into your container. To mount one of the volumes you define here in one of your containers, see “volumes” under “Container Definitions” on this page.

Here is a fully specified example

  - name: foobar-prod
    cluster: foobar-prod
      - name: storage_task
          scope: task
          autoprovision: true
          driver: my_vol_driver:latest
      - name: storage_shared
          scope: shared
          driver: my_vol_driver:latest
            opt1: value1
            opt2: value2
            key: value
            key: value
      - name: efs_storage
          file_system_id: my-file-system-id
          root_directory: my-root-directory
      - name: local_storage
        path: /host/path

The above defines four volumes:

  • (EC2 launch type only) a task specific (not usable by other tasks) volume named storage_task that will be autocreated and which will use the my_vol_driver:latest volume driver

  • (EC2 launch type only) a shared (usable by other tasks) volume named storage that uses the docker volume driver my_vol_driver:latest with the driver options given in the driverOpts: section (driver options are volume driver specific) and labels given by labels.

  • (Both EC2 or FARGATE launch types) a volume named efs_storage that allows you is the EFS file system my-filesystem-id, rooted in the folder my-root-directory. Note: root_directory is optional, and if ommitted will be set to /.

  • (Both EC2 or FARGATE launch types) a volume named local_storage that just allows you to mount /host/path from the host machine using the builtin local volume driver. For this type of mount, you can also mount /host/path directly via the volumes section of your container definition and not define it here.

See Using Data Volumes in Tasks.


You are responsible for installing and configuring any 3rd party docker volume drivers on your ECS container machines. The volumes section just allows you to use that driver once you’ve properly set it up and configured it.




You should only specify service_role_arn if you do not have the AWSServiceRoleForECS a service linked role in your account and you are not using awsvpc network mode on your task definition. If you do have that role, ECS will use it automatically and will not allow you to create your service until you remove service_role_arn.

The name or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that allows Amazon ECS to make calls to your load balancer on your behalf. This parameter is only permitted if you are using a load balancer with your service and your task definition does not use the awsvpc network mode. If you specify the role parameter, you must also specify a load balancer object with the load_balancer parameter, below.


  - name: foobar-prod
    cluster: foobar-cluster
    count: 2
    service_role_arn: arn:aws:iam::123142123547:role/ecsServiceRole
      load_balancer_name: foobar-prod-elb
      container_name: foobar-prod
      container_port: 80

See: Using Service-Linked ROles for Amazon ECS



If you’re going to use an ELB or an ALB with your service, configure it with a load_balancer block.

The load balancer info for the service can’t be changed after the service has been created. To change any part of the load balancer info, you’ll need to destroy and recreate the service.

See: Service Load Balancing.


To specify that the the service is to use an ELB, you’ll need to specify

  • load_balancer_name: (string) The name of the ELB.

  • container_name: (string) the name of the container to associate with the load balancer

  • container_port: (string) the port on the container to associate with the load balancer. This port must correspond to a container port on container container_name in your service’s task definition


  - name: foobar-prod
    cluster: foobar-cluster
    count: 2
    service_role_arn: arn:aws:iam::123142123547:role/ecsServiceRole
      load_balancer_name: foobar-prod-elb
      container_name: foobar-prod
      container_port: 80

deployfish won’t create the load balancer for you – you’ll need to create it before running deploy service create <service_name>.


To specify that the the service is to use an ALB or NLB, you’ll need to specify:

  • target_group_arn: (string) The full ARN of the target group to use for this service.

  • container_name: (string) the name of the container to associate with the load balancer

  • container_port: (string) the port on the container to associate with the load balancer. This port must correspond to a container port on container container_name in your service’s task definition


If you set network_mode to awsvpc or you’ve set launch_type to FARGATE, you need to configure your ALB/NLB target group to target IP addresses, not EC2 instances. This is because tasks that use the awsvpc network mode are associated with an elastic network interface, not an Amazon EC2 instance.

See: Service Load Balancing

deployfish won’t create the target group for you == you’ll need to create it before running deploy service create <service_name>.


  - name: foobar-prod
    cluster: foobar-cluster
    count: 2
    service_role_arn: arn:aws:iam::123142123547:role/ecsServiceRole
      target_group_arn: my-target-group-arn
      container_name: foobar-prod
      container_port: 80

You can specify multiple target groups for your service, by placing them in a list named target_groups:

  - name: foobar-prod
    cluster: foobar-cluster
    count: 2
    service_role_arn: arn:aws:iam::123142123547:role/ecsServiceRole
      - target_group_arn: my-target-group-arn-80
        container_name: foobar-prod
        container_port: 80
      - target_group_arn: my-target-group-arn-443
        container_name: foobar-prod
        container_port: 443

See: Registering Multiple Target Groups with a Service



Define a list of one or more capacity providers with weights for this service. Capacity providers allow the service to control the underlying Fargate cluster or AutoScaling Group to allocate more container machines when necessary to support your service requirements. Any capacity provider you name in your strategies must already be associated with the cluster.


capacity_provider_strategy and launch_type are mutually exclusive. Define one or the other. To use Fargate with capacity_provider_strategy, choose either the FARGATE or FARGATE_SPOT pre-defined providers.


  - name: foobar-prod
    cluster: foobar-cluster
    count: 2
    - provider: foobar-cap-provider
      weight: 1
      base 1
    - provider: foobar-cap-provider-spot
      weight: 2

See the description of the capacityProviderStrategy parameter in the boto3 ECS create_service() documentation.



If you’re going to use ECS service discovery, configure it with a service_discovery block.

The service discovery info for the service can’t be changed after the service has been created. To change any part of the service discovery info, you’ll need to destroy and recreate the service.

To use service discovery you’ll need to specify

  • namespace: (string) The service discovery namespace that the new service will be associated with.

  • name: (string) The name of the service discovery service

  • dns_records: (list) A list of DNS records the service discovery service should create
    • type: (string) The type of dns record. Valid values are A and SRV.

    • ttl: (int) The ttl of the dns record.


  - name: foobar-prod
    cluster: foobar-cluster
    count: 2
      namespace: local
      name: foobar-prod
        type: A
        ttl: 10

This would create a new service discovery service on the local Route53 private zone. The DNS would be foobar-prod.local

See Amazon ECS Service Discovery.



If you want your service so scale up and down with service CPU, configure it with an application_scaling block.


  - name: foobar-prod
    cluster: foobar-cluster
    count: 2
        min_capacity: 2
        max_capacity: 4
        role_arn: arn:aws:iam::123445678901:role/ApplicationAutoscalingECSRole
            cpu: ">=60"
            check_every_seconds: 60
            periods: 5
            cooldown: 60
            scale_by: 1
            cpu: "<=30"
            check_every_seconds: 60
            periods: 30
            cooldown: 60
            scale_by: -1

This block says that, for this service:

  • There should be a minimum of 2 tasks and a maximum of 4 tasks * arn:aws:iam::123445678901:role/ApplicationAutoscalingECSRole grants permission to start new containers for our service

  • Scale our service up by one task if ECS Service Average CPU is greater than 60 percent for 300 seconds. Don’t scale up more than once every 60 seconds.

  • Scale our service down by one task if ECS Service Average CPU is less than or equal to 30 percent for 1800 seconds. Don’t scale down more than once every 60 seconds.


(Integer, Required) The minimum number of tasks that should be running in our service.


(Integer, Required) The maximum number of tasks that should be running in our service. Note that you should ensure that you have enough resources in your cluster to actually run this many of your tasks.


(String, Required) The name or full ARN of the IAM role that allows Application Autoscaling to muck with your service. Your role definition should look like this:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "Service": ""
      "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"

And it needs an appropriate policy attached. The below policy allows the role to act on any service.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "Stmt1456535218000",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Sid": "Stmt1456535243000",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [

See Amazon ECS Service Auto Scaling IAM Role.

scale-up, scale-down

(Required) You should have exactly two scaling rules sections, and they should be named precisely scale-up and scale-down.


(String, Required) What CPU change causes this rule to be activated? Valid operators are: <=, <, >, >=. The CPU value itself is a float.

You’ll need to put quotes around your value of cpu, else the YAML parser will freak out about the = sign.


(Integer, Required) Check the Average service CPU every this many seconds.


(Integer, Required) The cpu test must be true for check_every_seconds * periods seconds for scaling to actually happen.


(Integer, Required) When it’s time to scale, scale by this number of tasks. To scale up, make the number positive; to scale down, make it negative.


(Integer, Required) The amount of time, in seconds, after a scaling activity completes where previous trigger-related scaling activities can influence future scaling events.

See “Cooldown” in AWS’ PutScalingPolicy documentation.


(String, Required) When we create task definitions for this service, put them in this family. When you go to the “Task Definitions” page in the AWS web console, what is listed under “Task Definition” is the family name.

  - name: foobar-prod
    cluster: foobar-cluster
    count: 2
    family: foobar-prod-task-def

See also the AWS documentation.


(String, Optional) The Docker networking mode for the containers in our task. One of: bridge, host, awsvpc or none. If this parameter is omitted, a service is assumed to use bridge mode.

  - name: foobar-prod
    cluster: foobar-cluster
    count: 2
    family: foobar-prod-task-def
    network_mode: bridge

See the AWS documentation for what each of those modes are.

In order to be able to specify awsvpc as your network mode, you also need to define vpc_configuration:

  - name: foobar-prod
    cluster: foobar-cluster
    count: 2
    family: foobar-prod-task-def
    network_mode: awsvpc
        - subnet-12345678
        - subnet-87654321
        - sg-12345678
      public_ip: DISABLED


(String, Optional) A task role ARN for an IAM role that allows the containers in the task permission to call the AWS APIs that are specified in its associated policies on your behalf.

  - name: foobar-prod
    cluster: foobar-cluster
    count: 2
    family: foobar-prod-task-def
    network_mode: bridge
    task_role_arn: arn:aws:iam::123142123547:role/my-task-role

deployfish won’t create the Task Role for you – you’ll need to create it before running deploy service create <service_name>.

See also the AWS documentation, and IAM Roles For Tasks


(String, Required for Fargate) A task exeuction role ARN for an IAM role that allows Fargate to pull container images and publish container logs to Amazon CloudWatch on your behalf.:

  - name: foobar-prod
    cluster: foobar-cluster
    count: 2
    family: foobar-prod-task-def
    network_mode: bridge
    execution_role: arn:aws:iam::123142123547:role/my-task-role

deployfish won’t create the Task Execution Role for you – you’ll need to create it before running deploy service create <service_name>.

See also the IAM Roles For Tasks


(Required for Fargate tasks)

If you are configuring a Fargate task, you have to specify the cpu at the task level, and there are specific values for cpu which are supported which we describe below.

The available CPU values are:


Virtual CPUs


.25 vCPU


.5 vCPU


1 vCPU


2 vCPU


4 vCPU

See also the Task Definition Parameters


(Required for Fargate tasks)

If you are configuring a Fargate task, you have to specify the memory at the task level, and there are specific values for memory which are supported which we describe below.

The available memory choices for a specific CPU value are:


Memory Configurations

256 (.25 vCPU)

512 (0.5GB), 1024 (1GB), 2048 (2GB)

512 (.5 vCPU)

1024 (1GB), 2048 (2GB), 3072 (3GB), 4096 (4GB)

1024 (1 vCPU)

2048 (2GB), 3072 (3GB), 4096 (4GB), 5120 (5GB), 6144 (6GB), 7168 (7GB), 8192 (8GB)

2048 (2 vCPU)

Between 4096 (4GB) and 16384 (16GB) in increments of 1024 (1GB)

4096 (4 vCPU)

Between 8192 (8GB) and 30720 (30GB) in increments of 1024 (1GB)

See also the Task Definition Parameters

ECS Task Configuration

This section contains a list of all configuration options supported by a ECS Task definition in version 1.

Services are specified in a YAML list under the top level tasks: key like so:

  - name: foobar-prod
  - name: foobar-test


(String, Required) The name of the actual ECS tasks. name is required. The restrictions on characters in ECS tasks are in play here: Up to 255 letters (uppercase and lowercase), numbers, hyphens, and underscores are allowed.

  • name: foobar-prod


(String, Option) Use the service option to associate this task with a particular service. This is used when running deploy service service tasks <service_name>.

  • name: foobar-prod service: foobar-service-prod


(String, Required) The name of the actual ECS cluster in which we’ll run our task.:

  - name: foobar-prod
    cluster: foobar-cluster


(String, Optional) This is a keyword that can be used in terraform lookups (see “Interpolation”, below). It can also be used as an alias for the task name in the deploy command.

  - name: foobar-prod
    environment: prod


(Integer) When we run the ECS task, run this many instances.

  - name: foobar-prod
    cluster: foobar-cluster
    count: 2


(Required for Fargate tasks)

If you are configuring a Fargate task you must specify the launch type as FARGATE, otherwise the default value of EC2 is used.

The Fargate launch type allows you to run your containerized applications without the need to provision and manage the backend infrastructure. Just register your task definition and Fargate launches the container for you.

If you use the Fargate launch type, the following task parameters are not valid:

  • dockerSecurityOptions

  • links

  • linuxParameters

  • placementConstraints

  • privileged


  - name: foobar-prod
    launch_type: FARGATE

See Amazon ECS Launch Types.


(Required for Fargate tasks)

If you are configuring a Fargate task, you have to specify your vpc configuration at the task level.

deployfish won’t create the vpc, subnets or security groups for you – you’ll need to create it before you can use deploy task run <task_name>

You’ll specify

  • subnets: (array) REQUIRED The subnets in the VPC that the task scheduler should consider for placement. Only private subnets are supported at this time. The VPC will be determined by the subnets you specify, so if you specify multiple subnets they must be in the same VPC.

  • security_groups: (array) OPTIONAL The ID of the security group to associate with the task.

  • public_ip: (string) OPTIONAL Whether to enabled or disable public IPs. Valid Values are ENABLED or DISABLED


  - name: foobar-prod
    cluster: foobar-cluster
    count: 2
    launch_type: FARGATE
        - subnet-12345678
        - subnet-87654321
        - sg-12345678
      public_ip: ENABLED



You can define volumes that can be mounted inside your task’s containers via the volumes section of your deployfish task definition. You only really need to do use this if you want to use a docker volume driver that is not the built in local one – the one that allows you to mount host machinefolders into your container. To mount one of the volumes you define here in one of your containers, see “volumes” under “Container Definitions” on this page.

Here is a fully qualfied example

  - name: foobar-prod
    cluster: foobar-prod
      - name: storage_task
          scope: task
          autoprovision: true
          driver: my_vol_driver:latest
      - name: storage
          scope: shared
          driver: my_vol_driver:latest
            opt1: value1
            opt2: value2
            key: value
            key: value
      - name: local_storage
        path: /host/path

The above defines three volumes:

  • (EC2 launch type only) a task specific (not usable by other tasks) volume named storage_task that will be autocreated and which will use the my_vol_driver:latest volume driver

  • (EC2 launch type only) a shared (usable by other tasks) volume named storage that uses the docker volume driver my_vol_driver:latest with the driver options given in the driverOpts: section (driver options are volume driver specific) and labels given by labels.

  • (Both EC2 or FARGATE launch types) a volume named local_storage that just allows you to mount /host/path from the host machine using the builtin local volume driver. For this type of mount, you can also mount /host/path directly via the volumes section of your container definition and not define it here.

See Using Data Volumes in Tasks.


You are responsible for installing and confuring any 3rd party docker volume drivers on your ECS container machines. The volumes section just allows you to use that driver once you’ve properly set it up and configured it.


(String, Required) When we create task definitions for this task, put them in this family. When you go to the “Task Definitions” page in the AWS web console, what is listed under “Task Definition” is the family name.

  - name: foobar-prod
    cluster: foobar-cluster
    count: 2
    family: foobar-prod-task-def

See also the AWS documentation.


(String, Optional) The Docker networking mode for the containers in our task. One of: bridge, host, awsvpc or none. If this parameter is omitted, a task is assumed to use bridge mode.

  - name: foobar-prod
    cluster: foobar-cluster
    count: 2
    family: foobar-prod-task-def
    network_mode: bridge

See the AWS documentation for what each of those modes are.


(String, Optional) A task role ARN for an IAM role that allows the containers in the task permission to call the AWS APIs that are specified in its associated policies on your behalf.

  - name: foobar-prod
    cluster: foobar-cluster
    count: 2
    family: foobar-prod-task-def
    network_mode: bridge
    task_role_arn: arn:aws:iam::123142123547:role/my-task-role

deployfish won’t create the Task Role for you – you’ll need to create it before running deploy task run <task_name>.

See also the AWS documentation, and IAM Roles For Tasks


(String, Required for Fargate) A task exeuction role ARN for an IAM role that allows Fargate to pull container images and publish container logs to Amazon CloudWatch on your behalf.:

  - name: foobar-prod
    cluster: foobar-cluster
    count: 2
    family: foobar-prod-task-def
    network_mode: bridge
    execution_role: arn:aws:iam::123142123547:role/my-task-role

deployfish won’t create the Task Execution Role for you – you’ll need to create it before running deploy task run <task_name>.

See also the IAM Roles For Tasks


(Required for Fargate tasks)

If you are configuring a Fargate task, you have to specify the cpu at the task level, and there are specific values for cpu which are supported which we describe below.

The available CPU values are:


Virtual CPUs


.25 vCPU


.5 vCPU


1 vCPU


2 vCPU


4 vCPU

See also the Task Definition Parameters


(Required for Fargate tasks)

If you are configuring a Fargate task, you have to specify the memory at the task level, and there are specific values for memory which are supported which we describe below.

The available memory choices for a specific CPU value are:


Memory Configurations

256 (.25 vCPU)

512 (0.5GB), 1024 (1GB), 2048 (2GB)

512 (.5 vCPU)

1024 (1GB), 2048 (2GB), 3072 (3GB), 4096 (4GB)

1024 (1 vCPU)

2048 (2GB), 3072 (3GB), 4096 (4GB), 5120 (5GB), 6144 (6GB), 7168 (7GB), 8192 (8GB)

2048 (2 vCPU)

Between 4096 (4GB) and 16384 (16GB) in increments of 1024 (1GB)

4096 (4 vCPU)

Between 8192 (8GB) and 30720 (30GB) in increments of 1024 (1GB)

See also the Task Definition Parameters


(Optional) An array of placement constraint objects to use for tasks. You can specify a maximum of 10 constraints per task (this limit includes constraints in the task definition and those specified at run time).

    - name: foobar-prod
        - type: distinctInstance
        - type: memberOf
          expression: 'attribute:ecs.instance-type =~ t2.*'

See Task Placement Constraints.


(Optional) The placement strategy objects to use for tasks in your service. You can specify a maximum of four strategy rules per service.

    - name: foobar-prod
        - type: random
        - type: spread
          field: 'attribute:ecs.availability-zone'

See Task Placement Strategies.


(Optional) The platform version the task should run. A platform version is only specified for tasks using the Fargate launch type. If one is not specified, the LATEST platform version is used by default.

See AWS Fargate Platform Versions.


The name of the task group to associate with the task. The default value is the family name of the task definition.


The scheduling expression. For example, “cron(0 20 * * ? *)” or “rate(5 minutes)”.

See Schedule Expressions for Rules.


The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role associated with the schedule rule. This should just allow the cloudwatch scheduled event to run the task. It should have a policy like:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "iam:PassRole",
            "Resource": "*"
            "Sid": "Stmt1455323356000",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [

Container Definitions

Define your containers within a task or service by using a containers: subsection.

containers is a list of containers like so:

  - name: foobar-prod
    cluster: foobar-cluster
    count: 2
      - name: foo
        image: my_repository/foo:0.0.1
        cpu: 128
        memory: 256
      - name: bar
        image: my_repository/baz:0.0.1
        cpu: 256
        memory: 1024

Each of the containers listed in the containers list will be added to the task definition for the service.

For each of the following attributes, see also the AWS ECS documentation.

NOTE: Each container in your service automatically gets their log configuration setup as ‘fluentd’, with logs being sent to and being tagged with the name of the container.


(String, Required) The name of the container. If you are linking multiple containers together in a task definition, the name of one container can be entered in the links of another container to connect the containers. The restrictions on characters in ECS container are in play here: Up to 255 letters (uppercase and lowercase), numbers, hyphens, and underscores are allowed.

  - name: foo


(String, Required) The image used to start the container. Up to 255 letters (uppercase and lowercase), numbers, hyphens, underscores, colons, periods, forward slashes, and number signs are allowed.

For an AWS ECR repository:

  - name: foo

For a Docker hub repository:

  - name: foo
    image: centos:7


(Integer, Required) The hard limit of memory (in MB) available to the container. If the container tries to exceed this amount of memory, it is killed.

  - name: foo
    image: centos:7
    memory: 512


(Integer, Optional) The soft limit (in MB) of memory to reserve for the container. When system memory is under heavy contention, Docker attempts to keep the container memory to this soft limit; however, your container can consume more memory when it needs to, up to the hard limit specified with the memory parameter. memoryReservation must be less than memory

  - name: foo
    image: centos:7
    memory: 512
    memoryReservation: 256

For example, if your container normally uses 128 MiB of memory, but occasionally bursts to 256 MiB of memory for short periods of time, you can set a memoryReservation of 128 MiB, and a memory hard limit of 300 MiB. This configuration would allow the container to only reserve 128 MiB of memory from the remaining resources on the container instance, but also allow the container to consume more memory resources when needed.


(Integer, Required) The number of cpu units to reserve for the container. A container instance has 1,024 cpu units for every CPU core.

  - name: foo
    image: centos:7
    cpu: 128


(List of strings, Optional) A list of port mappings for the container.

Either specify both ports (HOST:CONTAINER), or just the container port (a random host port will be chosen). You can also specify a protocol as (HOST:CONTAINER/PROTOCOL). Note that both HOST and CONTAINER here must be single ports, not port ranges as docker-compose.yml allows in its port definitions. PROTOCOL must be one of ‘tcp’ or ‘udp’. If no PROTOCOL is specified, we assume ‘tcp’.

  - name: foo
    - "80"
    - "8443:443"
    - "8125:8125/udp"


(Boolean, Optional) If the essential parameter of a container is marked as true, and that container fails or stops for any reason, all other containers that are part of the task are stopped. If the essential parameter of a container is marked as false, then its failure does not affect the rest of the containers in a task. If this parameter is omitted, a container is assumed to be essential.

  - name: foo
    essential: true
  - name: bar
    essential: false


(list of strings, Optional) Add hostname mappings.

  - name: foo
    - "somehost:"
    - "otherhost:"

An entry with the ip address and hostname will be created in /etc/hosts inside containers for this service, e.g:  somehost   otherhost


(String, Optional) The entry point that is passed to the container. Specify it as a string and Deployintaor will split the string into an array for you for passing to ECS.

  - name: foo
    entrypoint: / here are arguments


(String, Optional) The command that is passed to the container. Specify it as a string and Deployintaor will split the string into an array for you for passing to ECS.

  - name: foo
    command: apachectl -DFOREGROUND


(Optional) Add environment variables. You can use either an array or a dictionary. Any boolean values: true, false, yes, no, need to be enclosed in quotes to ensure they are not converted to True or False by the YML parser.

  - name: foo
      DEBUG: 'True'
      ENVIRONMENT: prod
      SECERTS_BUCKET_NAME: my-secrets-bucket
  - name: bar
      - DEBUG=True
      - ENVIRONMENT=prod
      - SECERTS_BUCKET_NAME=my-secrets-bucket


(Optional) Override the default ulimits for a container. You can either specify a single limit as an integer or soft/hard limits as a mapping.

  - name: foo
      nproc: 65535
        soft: 65535
        hard: 65535

See Task Definition Parameters: Resource Limits.


(List of strings, Optional) List here any Linux kernel capabilities your container should have

  - name: foo
      - SYS_ADMIN
      - CHOWN


The capabilities should be in ALL CAPS. Valid values are given in the link below.

See Task Definition Parameters: Linux Parameters.


(List of strings, Optional) List here any Linux kernel capabilities your container should not have

  - name: foo
      - SYS_RAWIO


The capabilities should be in ALL CAPS. Valid values are given in the link below.


(Optional) The container path, mount options, and size (in MiB) of the tmpfs mount. This parameter maps to the –tmpfs option to docker run, mount_options is optional

  - name: foo
      - container_path: /tmpfs
        size: 256
          - defaults
          - noatime
      - container_path: /tmpfs_another
        size: 128

See Task Definition Parameters: Linux Parameters.


(Optional) Add metadata to containers using Docker labels. You can use either an array or a dictionary.

Use reverse-DNS notation to prevent your labels from conflicting with those used by other software.

  - name: foo
      edu.caltech.description: "Fun webapp"
      edu.caltech.department: "Dept. of Redundancy Dept."
      edu.caltech.label-with-empty-value: ""
  - name: bar
      - "edu.caltech.description=Fun webapp"
      - "edu.caltech.department=Dept. of Redundancy Dept."
      - "edu.caltech.label-with-empty-value"


(List of strings, Optional) Specify a path on the host machine (VOLUME:CONTAINER), or an access mode (VOLUME:CONTAINER:ro). The HOST and CONTAINER paths should be absolute paths.

  - name: foo
      - /host/path:/container/path
      - /host/path-ro:/container/path-ro:ro

If you set the VOLUME portion of the mount to a filesystem path (e.g. “/host/path” in the above example), deployfish will mount that folder on the host machine into your container via the local docker volume driver. You won’t need to define the volume specifically in the volumes section in your task definition.

You can also set the VOLUME portion of the mount to the name of a volume defined in your task definition’s volumes section

  - name: foobar
    cluster: foobar
      - name: foo
          - storage:/container/path
      - name: storage
          scope: shared
          driver: rexray/s3fs:0.11.1

The above will cause the volume named storage from the docker volume driver rexray/s3fs:0.11.1 to be mounted inside your container on /container/path


(String and dictionary, Optional) Specify a log driver and its associated options.

To configure awslogs:

  driver: awslogs
    awslogs-group: awslogs-mysql
    awslogs-region: ap-northeast-1
    awslogs-stream-prefix: awslogs-example

For fluentd:

  driver: fluentd
    tag: hello

NOTE: if you don’t provide a logging: section, no logs will be emitted from your service.

Secrets Management with AWS Parameter Store

The config: subsection of an ECS service or task is a list of parameters that are stored in the AWS Parameter Store as part of Systems Manager. This allows us to store settings, encrypted passwords and other secrets without exposing them to casual view in the AWS Console via the environment section of the container definition.

This is a list, so each item begins with a dash. For an unencrypted value, it is in the form:


For an encrypted value, you must add the secure flag:


In this format, the encrypted value will be encrypted with the default key. For better security, make a unique key for each app and specify it in this format:

- VARIABLE:secure:arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:111122223333:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab=VALUE

For more information about creating keys, see AWS Key Management Service (KMS).

Here’s an example configuration:

  - name: hello-world-test
    cluster: hello-world-cluster
    count: 1
    family: hello-world
      - name: hello-world
        image: tutum/hello-world
        cpu: 128
        memory: 256
      - VAR1=value1
      - VAR2=value2
      - PASSWORD1:secure=password1
      - PASSWORD2:secure=password2

Managing Config Parameters in AWS

In addition to deploying your services and tasks, you manage your config with deploy using the config subcommand.


To see how your local values compare vs the current values of the service config in AWS, run:

deploy service config diff hello-world-test

To view your current values of the service config in AWS, run:

deploy service config show hello-world-test

To update the values of the service config to AWS, run:

deploy service config write hello-world-test


To view your current values of the task config in AWS, run:

deploy task config show hello-world-test

To update the values of the task config to AWS, run:

deploy task config write hello-world-test

Reading From The Environment

In practice, you do not want the deployfish.yml file to contain actual passwords, so the best practice is to have the secret parameter values defined in an environment variable. You would then change the config section to be:

  - VAR1=value1
  - VAR2=value2
  - PASSWORD1:secure=${env.PASSWORD1}
  - PASSWORD2:secure=${env.PASSWORD2}

See the Interpolation section for full details on how environment variable replacement in deployfish.yml works.

You typically should use a different file for each service.

Loading config: variables into your container environment

So now that we have all of these values loaded into the AWS Parameter Store, how do we use them? You need an execution role.

You must provide an execution_role that has permission to get the parameter store values, then your task or service will automatically have the parameter store values inserted into the environment.

Service Helper Tasks

In the tasks section of the service defintion, you can define helper tasks to be associated with your service and define commands on them that you can run via deploy service task run <service> <command>.

The reason this exists is to enable us to run one-off or periodic functions (migrate datbases, clear caches, update search indexes, do database backups or restores, etc.) for our services.

Task definitions listed in the tasks list support the same configuration options as those in the services list: family, environment, network_mode, task_role_arn, and all the same options under containers.


When you do a deploy service update <service_name>, deployfish automaticaly updates the task definition to what is listed in the tasks entry for each task, and adds a docker label to the first container of the task definition for the service for each task, recording the <family>:<revision> string of the correct task revision.

  - name: foobar-prod
    environment: prod
    cluster: foobar-prod-cluster
    count: 2
    service_role_arn: arn:aws:iam::123142123547:role/ecsServiceRole
      load_balancer_name: foobar-prod-elb
      container_name: foobar
      container_port: 80
    family: foobar-prod
    network_mode: bridge
    task_role_arn: arn:aws:iam::123142123547:role/myTaskRole
    execution_role: arn:aws:iam::123142123547:role/myExecutionRole
      - name: foobar
        image: foobar:0.0.1
        cpu: 128
        memory: 512
          - "80"
          - "443"
          - ENVIRONMENT=prod
          - SECRETS_BUCKET_NAME=my-secrets-bucket
      - launch_type: FARGATE
        network_mode: awsvpc
            - subnet-1234
            - subnet-1235
            - sg-12345
        schedule_role: arn:aws:iam::123142123547:role/ecsEventsRole
          - name: foobar
            cpu: 128
            memory: 256
          - name: migrate
              - name: foobar
                command: ./ migrate
          - name: update_index
            schedule: cron(5 * * * ? *)
              - name: foobar
                command: ./ update_index

This example defines 2 separate new task defintions (“foobar-prod-tasks-migrate” and “foobar-prod-tasks-update-index”) for our service “foobar-prod”. Those two task definitions implement the two available commands on our service: migrate and update_index. These task defintions are created by starting with the Service’s task definition, updating it with values from the top of the tasks: entry, and then further updating that with command specific setting for each of the commands in the commands: section.

When you do deploy service update foobar-prod, deployfish will create a new task defintion for each of the helper tasks and store their specific family:revision as tasks on the Service’s task definition. Then when you run deploy service task run foobar-prod migrate, deployfish will:

  1. Search for migrate among all the separate commands listings under tasks

  2. Determine that migrate belongs to the foobar-tasks-prod task

  3. Look on the active foobar-prod service task definition for the edu.caltech.foobar-helper-prod docker label

  4. Use the value of that label to figure out which revision of our task to run.

  5. Call the ECS RunTasks API call with that task revision.

Variable interpolation in deployfish.yml

You can use variable replacement in your service definitions to dynamically replace values from two sources: your local shell environment and from a remote terraform state file.

Environmnent variable replacement

You can add ${env.<environment var>} to your service definition anywhere you want the value of the shell environment variable <environment var>. For example, for the following deployfish.yml snippet:

  - name: foobar-prod
    environment: prod

deployfish does not by default inherit your shell environment when doing these ${env.VAR} replacements. You must tell deployfish how you want it to load those environment variables.

deploy –import_env command line option

If you run deploy with the --import_env option, it will import your shell environment into the deployfish environment. Then anything you’ve defined in your shell environment will be available for ${env.VAR} replacements.


deploy --import_env <subcommand> [options]

deploy –env_file command line option

deploy also supports declaring environment variables in a file instead of having to actually have them set in your environment. The file should follow these rules:

  • Each line should be in VAR=VAL format.

  • Lines beginning with # (i.e. comments) are ignored.

  • Blank lines are ignored.

  • There is no special handling of quotation marks.


deploy --env_file=<filename> <subcommand> [options]

Then anything you’ve defined in <filename> defined in your shell environment will be available for ${env.VAR} replacements.

The “env_file” service definition option

You can also specify this environment variable file in the ECS service definition itself:

  - name: hello-world-test
    cluster: hello-world-cluster
    count: 1
    family: hello-world
    env_file: config.env

Terraform variable replacment

If you’re managing your AWS resources for your service with Terraform and you export your Terraform state files to S3, or if you are using Terraform Enterprise, you can use the values of your terraform outputs as string, list, or map values in your service definitions.

To do so, first declare a terraform top level section in your deployfish.yml file:

  statefile: 's3://terraform-remote-state/my-service-terraform-state'
    ecs_service_role: 'ecs-service-role'
    cluster_name: '{service-name}-ecs-cluster-name'
    elb_name: '{service-name}-elb-name'
    storage_bucket: 's3-{environment}-bucket'
    task_role_arn: '{service-name}-task-role-arn'
    ecr_repo_url: 'ecr-repository-url'

If using Terraform Enterprise you need to provide the workspace and organization in place of the statefile:

  workspace: sample_workspace
  organization: sampleOrganization
    ecs_service_role: 'ecs-service-role'
    cluster_name: '{service-name}-ecs-cluster-name'
    elb_name: '{service-name}-elb-name'
    storage_bucket: 's3-{environment}-bucket'
    task_role_arn: '{service-name}-task-role-arn'
    ecr_repo_url: 'ecr-repository-url'
    security_groups: '{service-name}-security-groups'
    subnets: 'service-subnets'

Then, wherever you have a string, list, or map value in your service definition, you can replace that with a terraform lookup, like so:

  - name: my-service
    cluster: ${terraform.cluster_name}
    environment: prod
    count: 2
    service_role_arn: ${terraform.ecs_service_role}
      load_balancer_name: ${terraform.elb_name}
      container_name: my-service
      container_port: 80
    family: my-service
    network_mode: bridge
    task_role_arn: ${terraform.task_role_arn}
      security_groups: ${terraform.security_groups}
      subnets: ${terraform.subnets}
      - name: my-service
        image: ${terraform.ecr_repo_url}:0.1.0
        cpu: 128
        memory: 256
          - "80"
          - S3_BUCKET=${terraform.storage_bucket}


(String, Required) The s3:// URL to your state file. For example, s3//my-statefile-bucket/my-statefile.


(Required) A dictionary of key value pairs where the keys will be used when doing string replacements in your service definition, and the values should evaluate to a valid terraform output in your terraform state file.

You can use these replacements in the values:

  • {environment}: replace with the value of the environment option for the current service

  • {service-name}: replace with the name of the current service

  • {cluster-name}: replace with the name of the cluster for the current service

These values are evaluated in the context of each service separately.


(String, Optional) The name of the AWS CLI Named Profile to use when retrieving the statefile from S3.

See Named Profiles


(String, Optional) The AWS region in which your S3 bucket lives.


(String, Required Terraform Enterprise) The Terraform Enterprise workspace.


(String, Required Terraform Enterprise) The Terraform Enterprise organization.

–tfe_token option

In order to authenticate against terraform enterprise and read the state, you need to provide an API token. This can be either a user API token, team API token, or organization token.

deploy --tfe_token <token> <subcommand> [options]

It will also work if you specify an ATLAS_TOKEN environment variable while using the --import_env option.

deploy --import_env <subcommand> [options]

Advanced Usage: using a different AWS Profile for the statefile

It is not uncommon to of your Terraform state files in a single bucket, even if the associated Terraform templates affect resources in many different accounts.

If this is the case with you, you can specify which AWS Credentials named profile (see Named Profiles for more information). use to retrieve the state files by adding the profile and region settings to your terrraform: section:

  statefile: 's3://hello-world-remotestate-file/hello-world-terraform-state'
  profile: configs
  region: us-west-2
    cluster_name: '{environment}-cluster-name'
    load_balancer_name: '{environment}-elb-id'
    task_role_arn: 'iam-role-hello-world-{environment}-task'
    rds_address: '{environment}-rds-address'
    app_bucket: 's3-hello-world-{environment}-bucket'

This will tell deployfish that, for retrieving this statefile only, it should use the “configs” AWS profile.