Adapters and Models

Adapters: Loading a Model from configuration in deployfish.yml

Classes derived from deployfish.core.models.abstract.Model can be configured from configuration in deployfish.yml.

  1. Extract the configuration stanza for your object from deployfish.yml:

  2. Generate your configued Model subclass instance by doing: does this:

  1. Find the proper deployfish.core.adapter.abstract.Adapter subclass that will translate between item_config and properly configured data for MyModel by looking in the adapter registry deployfish.registry.importer_registry. This registry maps Adapter subclasses to deployfish.core.models.abstract.Model subclasses.

  2. Instantiate the Adapter subclass, passing in our item_config to its constructor.

  3. Run MyAdapter.convert(). This will generate data, a dict formatted to look like what boto3’s describe_* API method would return for the MyModel, and kwargs, extra configuration MyModel may need in order to function properly.

  4. Instantiate a MyModel by doing:

  5. Set any other necessary attributes on instance from the data we returned above in kwargs.


One of the challenges we have in constructing MyModel from deployfish.yml is that we need to ensure we can also load MyModel purely from AWS calls. When loading an object from AWS , we want any dependent objects (e.g. the deployfish.core.models.ecs.TaskDefinition of a deployfish.core.models.ecs.Service) to be lazy loaded from AWS in order to reduce the API calls to only the data we need at the moment – this saves the user from having to wait too long.

When loading an object from deployfish.yml however, we load all the dependent objects at the same time have to provide them to the Model instance all at once, with no lazy loading.

Largely we do this with @property and @property.setter decorators. The main @property loads the data from AWS if necessary, while the @property.setter circumvents the AWS loading.

  1. Create a subclass of deployfish.core.adapters.abstract.Adapter The .__init__() for your subclass will get passed the deployfish.yml configuration for your object, and will store it as Override deployfish.core.adapters.abstract.Adapter.convert on that subclass to use to generate data, a dict that replicates what boto3 would return were we to call the describe_* method for that object, and kwargs, keyword arguments for the object’s .new() factory method (described below)

Example: Loading a Service from deployfish.yml

First create all the appropriate objects from the service config in deployfish.yml.

The Adapter that handles parsing the services: entry for your service is deployfish.core.adapters.deployfish.ServiceAdapter. It does this, in this order:

  1. Build the data necessary for the data parameter to deployfish.core.models.ecs.Service.__init__ from the service’s config.

  2. If a config: section is present in the service’s config, load the list of deployfish.core.models.secrets.Secret objects from the service’s config: section via deployfish.core.adapters.deployfish.SecretAdapter and possibly deployfish.core.adapters.deployfish.ExternalSecretAdapter.

  3. Use deployfish.core.adapters.deployfish.TaskDefinitionAdapter to create a deployfish.core.models.ecs.TaskDefinition from the service config. This needs the secrets we created above, if any.

  4. If application_scaling: section is present in the service’s config, build the Application Scaling objects, which are:

    • deployfish.core.models.appscaling.ScalableTarget (from deployfish.core.adapters.appscaling.ECServiceScalableTargetAdapter)

    • One or more deployfish.core.models.appscaling.ScalingPolicy objects (via deployfish.core.adapters.appscaling.ECServiceScalingPolicyAdapter)

    • One deployfish.core.models.cloudwatch.CloudwatchAlarm per deployfish.core.models.appscaling.ScalingPolicy (via deployfish.core.adapters.cloudwatch.ECServiceCPUAlarmAdapter)

  5. If a service_discovery: section is present in the service’s config, build a deployfish.core.models.service_discovery.ServiceDiscoveryService object (via deployfish.core.adapters.service_discovery.ServiceDiscoveryServiceAdapter).

  6. If a tasks: section is present in the service’s config, build configuration for one or more deployfish.core.models.ecs.ServiceHelperTask objects (via deployfish.core.adapters.ecs.ServiceHelperTaskAdapter, but (important) loaded in, not in deployfish.core.adapters.ecs.ServiceAdapter.convert – we need the fully configured Service object in order to make the helper tasks, and that doesn’t happen until we get into

Finally the Service object is configured.

Creating a Service

Here’s how works when creating a service:

  • If we have any deployfish.core.models.ecs.ServiceHelperTask objects, create them in AWS and save their family:revisions on our deployfish.core.models.ecs.TaskDefinition, so that we know which specific revision to run to get the version of the code we want.

  • Create the deployfish.core.models.ecs.TaskDefinition in AWS, and save its ARN to the Service as taskDefinition

  • If we need it, create the

  • deployfish.core.models.service_discovery.ServiceDiscoveryService in AWS, and save its ARN to the service as serviceRegistries[0]['registryArn']; otherwise delete any ServiceDiscoveryService associated with the Service.

  • Create the Service in AWS

  • If we need it, create the ScalingTarget, ScalingPolicy and CloudwatchAlarm objects in AWS, otherwise delete any such that exist in AWS