Advanced Features

Architectural Assumptions

A few assuptions are made as to how your VPCs are structured. It is assumed that you have a bastion host for each of your VPCs. These bastion hosts are used to access the individual EC2 instances in your ECS clusters. We expect these bastion hosts must also have a Name tag beginning with bastion*, like bastion-test, etc.

deploy cluster

The deploy cluster commands allow you to interract with the individual EC2 machines that make up your ECS cluster. It provides three subcommands, info, run, and ssh. For many of the advanced features of deployfish, the above assumptions have been made about your architecture that are required for them to work.


The info subcommand allows you to view information about the individual EC2 systems that make up your ECS cluster. For example:

deploy cluster info web-test

Might return the output below:

Cluster: web-test
  pk                  :     web-test
  name                :     web-test
  arn                 :     arn:aws:ecs:us-west-2:123456789012:cluster/web-test
  status              :     ACTIVE
  instances           :     6
  autoscaling_group   :     web-test
  task counts
      running           :     5
      pending           :     0

Container instances

Name              Instance Type    IP Address      Free CPU    Free Memory
----------------  ---------------  ------------  ----------  -------------
ecs.web-test.b.2  t2.medium           768            102
ecs.web-test.b.1  t2.medium          1536            182
ecs.web-test.c.2  t2.medium          1408           1206
ecs.web-test.c.1  t2.medium          1024            614


Name                       Version      Desired    Running  Created
-------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -------------------
service1                   2.0.8              2          2  2021-04-02 17:29:30
service2                   1.4.1              1          1  2021-04-23 11:21:39
service3                   2.1.2              2          2  2020-08-19 09:33:12

deploy service ssh <service_name>

The deploy service ssh command (alias: deploy ssh) will connect you via SSH to a system in your ECS cluster. If you have any running containers, it will choose one of those, otherwise it will connect to a random one. This is useful for debugging:

# ssh to a container instance for the service identified by environment "test' in deployfish.yml
deploy service ssh test
# ssh to a container instance for the service "service1" in cluster "web-test"
deploy service ssh web-test:service1

deploy service exec <service_name>

The deploy service exec command (alias: deploy exec) will connect you to a running container, similar to connecting to the host running the container and running:

docker exec -it <contianer_id> /bin/bash

It will choose a random container. The command in our case would be:

# exec into a container for the service identified by environment "test' in deployfish.yml
deploy service exec test
# exec into a container for the service "service1" in cluster "web-test"
deploy service exec web-test:service1