More Funtionality


In A Basic Service, we looked at the essentials of a service. We hosted an nginx based hello-world web site. A fundamental flaw with this site, though, is that it isn’t accessible from anywhere but the local Docker container, which isn’t terribly useful. We need to open the relevant ports to make it available. We’re also going to set some environment variables and overwrite the Docker command.


We just need the same basic setup that we had in the first tutorial, namely an ECS cluster of at least one EC2 machine named hello-world-cluster


Here’s the configuration file for this service:

  - name: hello-world-test
    cluster: hello-world-cluster
    count: 1
    family: hello-world
      - name: hello-world
        image: tutum/hello-world
        cpu: 128
        memory: 256
          - "80"
        command: /usr/bin/supervisord
          - VAR1=test
          - VAR2=anothervar
          - DEBUG=True

Here we’ve added three new parameters - ports, command, and environment:


This is a list of values, so each value begins with a dash. In our case, we are just opening up one port, so we just have the single value, 80. This will open port 80, hosting it on a random port on the ECS cluster machine that is hosting the container.


This is the Docker command that will be run when the container is started


This is a list of values, so each begins with a dash. It is always in the form:


Anything set here will be available in the environment of the running container.

Port Options

If you want to specify the port number on the ECS cluster machine that will correspond to the container’s port, you can specify that in the form HOST_PORT:CONTAINER_PORT:

  - "8000:80"

The hello-world web site will then be avialable on port 8000 of the ECS cluster machine that is hosting the container.


To deploy this service, run the same command we ran in the last tutorial:

deploy create hello-world-test